When it comes to Exams, all you really need is someone to let the light in and give you a chance to practice.

Property: Hypotheticals, Scoring Rubrics and Tools for Success

(Coming April 2021!)

·      Struggle to find exam-style hypotheticals? Sample answers? Detailed grading rubrics? Easy and hard ones?

This book is filled with sixteen full length hypotheticals, sample answers, and scoring rubrics. The collection of hypotheticals ranges from simple to (difficult) exam-level complexity.

·      Do you worry that you don’t know how to argue both sides because supplements generally present relatively straight forward examples with right answers?

That approach teaches doctrine, but doesn’t help with the skills you need to answer exam-style hypotheticals with no right answer. This book gives you realistic exam questions, in other words, fuzzy ones, with detailed scoring rubrics so you can see how well you argued both sides and how to improve next time.

·      Do you find that your professor is teaching you the black letter law, but doesn’t explain how to apply rules or what it means to IRAC?

When teaching doctrine, law professors tend to focus on the course material and only teach how to apply rules by doing it, without explaining how to do it in a specific and step-by-step fashion. This book provides a primer on legal analysis, with an emphasis on how to apply rules and a simple pattern for producing excellent exam answers.

·      Are you frustrated because you don’t get regular, actionable feedback?

This book gives you sixteen opportunities to self-test and self-score. You can compare your answer with sample good ones, see sample bad answers dissected, and get instructions for diagnosing thematic problems such as not issue-spotting thoroughly. Even better, the book provides specific techniques for fixing each of the thematic problems.


The author, Professor Jill Fraley, is an award-winning teacher and scholar, who has held two Fulbright Scholar appointments and received the AALS Scholarly papers prize. She is a master teacher known for enabling super-successful students.


This book is about giving away secrets that shouldn’t be secrets.


It’s normal. Law students often can read their answer and the ideal answer side by side and not see the differences that matter. Detailed grading rubrics change that. With detailed rubrics, you can see how to change your process going forward.

Not understand how to tell a good hypothetical answer from a bad one?


A detailed grading rubric allows students to see the key differences between a good and bad hypothetical response. The grading rubric enables students to self-grade and, therefore, to have regular hypothetical practice. Additionally, the grading rubric provides the student with detailed, actionable feedback that can be used to do better next time.

Need scoring rubrics?